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This product is 100% natural and contains no fluoride or harsh chemicals. It is clay based and it's ingredients consist of baking soda, salt, essential oils, & alkaline water. It does NOT include glycerin, any sugars such a xylotol, or any unnatural substance. SHAKE PRODUCT BEFORE USE! Natural separation can occur. It does not foam like most other toothpaste. It has a natural taste and feel with mint flavor that is not over baring. It is kid friendly. Enjoy the clean polish that Caverse leaves! 


    Caverse Oral Repair Cream is known to stop bleeding gums, aching teeth, & tooth sensitivity. It can reverse, reduces, and or stops decay if used properly. It can even fill tiny holes or cracks in teeth by way of remineralization. 


    No refunds. 


    Ships typically within 3 business days; 14 is the max when the volume of orders are high. Thank you for your patience. 

  • Disclaimer **

    Caverse is not a "magic marker" and is not guaranteed to reverse a cavity within a short period of time. As in self healing, it is a process. The reviews left on this site, along with the before and after pictures, are actual occurrences and opinions given by real people and their experience with the product.

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